World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Nineteen

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5 Responses to World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Nineteen

  1. xty says:

    I am off to Montreal on the 7 a.m. bus to go and see the surgeon who repaired my hernia to see if he has any suggestions about what might still be causing me so much discomfort. I am pretending it is of little import, because that is how these things tend to turn out, but he was the fellow who found the hernia and you never know …

  2. Dude says:

    Fingers were crossed, but couldn’t type that way so will recross after I say Good Luck, Xty.

  3. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    hope all went splendidly Xty!

    and if you are feeling well enough, i found a costume that i think you should wear on Halloween. you could use the magic wand to make yourself financially whole, as well as your many friends that were also led into insolvency by con men and their supporting whack jobs on the internet!

    read all about it here… you will find the lovely photograph at the very end.

  4. Pete Maravich says:

  5. xty says:

    I moved the fat man, because I think he belonged here, on this interesting Wednesday morning.

    And good morning … I have to go outside to look for my magic wand, and then I will be back to tidy up this mess – the word of the day could be slut, written in the dust. Why it was slut you could write in the dust always bothered me: does dust imply loose morals?

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