World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Five

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52 Responses to World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Five

  1. EO says:

    If there’s one thing a computer program should be counted on to get right, you would think it would be the basic rules of chess. It’s all math. It’s all calculation. People, including me, have been playing chess against computer programs for 30 odd years, and I’ve never, ever, ever, ever, seen such a thing. I even called all my family around me, and ran the moves back and forth just to get eyewitnesses. I was like “Did you see that?” “He can’t do that, can he?” The unanimous answer: No, you are not crazy, he can’t do that.

    Really fills you with a lot of confidence about…pretty much everything…right?

  2. EO says:

    Some of my Dad’s ashes are still sitting on top of my china hutch, waiting for a return trip to Lac Seul, Ontario. Don’t know if I’ll ever get back there, but he’s in no rush.

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