This needed to be said, thank you Trader Dan

The Gold Cult

Cult  –

1.) a religious group which promotes worship of a human leader and devotion of one’s life to a specific purpose.
2.)  A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing

Cult of Personality –

1.) Intense devotion to a particular person.

Writing this short treatise brings me no particular pleasure but rather sadness. Sadness that some whom I count as friends have become trapped in this prison and cannot see it.

I have chosen in the past, and do so now again, to describe a certain portion ( I want to be clear that I am not lumping all under the same heading ) of the pro-gold or honest money camp as being cultish in nature. The similarities between their comments, writings and blind adherence to an inanimate object and those trapped in a religious cult are striking.

Having had some personal experience in dealing with people trapped in religious cults, it is not hard for me to see the same symptoms in those who have been swallowed up by the cult of gold. The most obvious of such symptoms is the inability to see reality as it is. Statements of fact, logic, sound reason, empirical evidence – all are easily dismissed by those snared in the cult if such things happen to contradict the centrally held tenets. Those who speak against the cult are viewed as unenlightened or uninformed at best, and inimical to truth and therefore enemies at worst.

Generally speaking, a cult also has either a charismatic leader/(s) whose authority is beyond questioning. Those who would challenge the statements of such leader are immediately ostracized if such a challenge arises from within the cult, or ridiculed and held in contempt, if the challenger is outside of the cult….

Read the rest … I know I was on the brink, if not over the edge, and it was great to see the light …  Trader Dan’s Market Views

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44 Responses to This needed to be said, thank you Trader Dan

  1. Dude Stacker says:

    I wore this one out back in the day.

    p.s. I only come here for the vids, but sometimes it’s amusing to read from “A conflicted communist ‘viking'”………and a “drooling idiot”. 😉 🙄 ❗

  2. xty says:

    And where else can you get high quality sausage making videos, not to mention sausage racing, which I did watch? And I felt enriched.

  3. xty says:

    Here’s that video, being displayed for the 19th century man:

  4. xty says:

    @ XTY,
    Submitted by Mr. Fix on March 31, 2013 – 1:00pm.

    Hat Tip!
    Mr. Fix is on your ignore list. Click here to view this post.

    It’s okay, I admit it. Getting under your skin has its own rewards.
    Most people just ignore me, you seem to have made it your own personal crusade to point out everything I say that you disagree with.
    Go for it!
    Yes, this weekend has come and gone, and the end of the world as we know it has not yet arrived.
    Okay, and yet the dominoes are still falling at a rapidly accelerating pace.
    How long can they keep all this crap  propped up?
    I said I was smart, but I’m not psychic. They will bend and break the rules until they can’t anymore,
    and since this collapse  is orchestrated, and is intended to be a surprise, we can only speculate,
    so, I will join the rapidly building  chorus from above, and say that this may last ’till the beginning of May.
    In the meantime, the dominoes will continue to fall, the beatings of the drums for war will continue to get louder,  and the dialogue in the mainstream media will continue to be irrelevant.
    At least we have “Turdville”

    As far as how do I see things unfolding?
    I think we have had all the warning that we are going to get. In other words, a completely fabricated crisis will take over the news by the end of the month. Most likely there will be a financial collapse, a bank holiday, followed by a major currency devaluation, I’m thinking in the range of 50%. All of the legal framework has already been put in place for the government to seize every aspect of business both public and private. Things could be done to help, but am not expecting it from our current government. I truly believe that their motivation is to inflict maximum pain.
    Supply chains will collapse, the stores will be empty, and if any goods are still available, they will be priced at multiples higher than what they are today. Starvation will be a major issue, and he (Obama) will probably be more obsessed with confiscating the guns of law-abiding citizens been doing anything about stopping the crime wave that he  has created. 
    With the help of a few faithful military members which have already been screened to protect and defend Obama, and not the Constitution,  martial law will be imposed.
    His cover story as to why it is being imposed, is still speculative. An easy one, would be to fire off a nuclear warhead anywhere within the continental United States.   Legally, martial law would be automatic in such a circumstance.
    Since he does not take responsibility for anything, I think he would probably prefer such as scenario. After all, it was Jimmy Carter that signed that into law.
    Someone who I read and respect a lot, DayStar, has hypothesized that there will be a EMP attack, and that most of the power grid will collapse, along with all electronics.
    Some of what I’ve read, includes biological warfare, chemical attacks, (could  be through the chem trails),
    and then there’s always HAARP , which is an equally effective weapon of mass destruction, but this time, it might be more obvious than a super storm or an earthquake.
    Obama needs legal cover to declare martial law, a nuclear detonation just gives it to him.
    He will use foreign troops from Russia and China along with the United Nations, to enforce his firearms  ban, and in the process,  ( hopefully) will start a civil war.
    I expect that there will be massive bloodshed, as this is actually part of his agenda.
    So between disease, radiation sickness, lead poisoning, and starvation, millions will die.
    ( Exactly as he plans).
    An answer to a question in an obscure place:
    Submitted by Mr. Fix on March 6, 2013 – 12:32am.


  5. Pete Maravich says:

    mr fix is the man, hell, he even recognizes that he is smart. can you imagine having that brain in your head for even 2 seconds or being part of his karmic loop? gotta go, i hear the helicopters overhead.

  6. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    доброе утро товарищи

    i don’t know what to write. i can’t stop laughing. there was some more commentary later by Turd that comes across just as imbecile. (we are commies)

    i will be back later. thank you Xty. keep shining light!

  7. EO says:

    Communists! LOL, this coming from a man that blasts Nixon as a communist. If you are going to engage in name calling it doesn’t do much good to paint 95% of the population with the same brush. You, you, you…humans you!

    And Fix, oh yeah. Aren’t there supposed to be Russian troops in Illinois, or some such tripe? Maybe they got recalled to the Ukraine. :mrgreen:

    C’mon give the guy a break. His timing is just off, that’s all. 🙄

    Nice post, Xty.

  8. xty says:

    Well, it is May again you see, so probably by next weekend all that should happen.

    But just who is a communist? Are they named?

    I do support the commons, so count me in. But before I join up with EO’s party, I need to know if we are Trotskyists or Leninists or Stalinists, because it makes such a difference to the outfits.

  9. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    so far EO and i are the only ones sporting the red triangle patch.

    speaking for myself only, i identify with Marx, being of German descent, and also because those Russian guys never quite got things working right.

  10. xty says:

    See, factions already … a Marxist in the midst. I think the problem with Lenin and Trotsky can be boiled down to serious hair envy on the part of Lenin.

  11. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    there was a kid in my high school we called “twitch” because he was afraid of everything. insects, getting germs, loud noises, you name it. i wonder if he grew up to be like Fix? if ever and when the SHTF, all one would have to do is toss a firecracker down into Fix’s bunker and he would die of shock. so i hope he has stacked lots of beer for the neighborhood kids.

    the only reason i’m piling on Fix here is because he was an asshole to me, and to Xty. it is completely within one’s civil rights to be a nutcase. in fact, i did like the entertainment value except when his doomsday scenarios ran past a certain God awful length.

  12. xty says:

    I have been very circumspect in my piling on, and I feel I have just cause too.

    And if you throw in the firecracker, he will make it out the tunnel …

    Do you remember that fellow who took his family to New Zealand? A lot of people’s lives were really injured and it wasn’t all fun and games as it turned out. It was more entertainment for me to begin with and then it got more serious and then I had to flee …

  13. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    as i have said, i give some credence to utilitarian philosophy. that means that the total pain and suffering, and in this case, plenty of that is beyond simple financial loss, caused by that site, and specifically by certain members if quantified, would justify severe blow back, punishment if you will. (it is like “eye for an eye”, but add up all the eyes and teeth harmed by each one of them.) so it just blows my mind that these same characters just go on unchecked, and continue to be defended by that same cult following. in fact it is only the blind allegiance that gives me any pause at all in my criticism, because it is so obvious that the situation is truly best described as cultlike. some of these people i trusted as my friends! many of the people defending that site are obviously intelligent, so what gives? so i say pile on. these people are harming so many others… does it really matter whether they can realize that or not?

    i just got back from catching up on Dan’s comments over there. you Turd boot lickers are being dispatched quite easily by simple logic. those of you in professional, and might i say even learned positions, may want to consider possible damage to your professional careers. everything you put up on the internet is forever.

  14. EO says:

    Well, I will admit that “Reds” is one of my favorite movies, but it should be noted that the Bolsheviks don’t come off looking very good at all, just as in real life, and rightly so.

    The whole cast of characters reminds me of all the people I went to college with though, so it’s always a trip down memory lane.

  15. Dude Stacker says:

    I think we should totally embrace the full meaning of communist by starting a commune.

  16. Dude Stacker says:

  17. DN says:

    maybe much metals confusion arises when it’s not specified whether paper silver and gold, or real (money) Silver and Gold is what is being referred to. There be a big difference, but the confusion sure provides a great arena for the enemy (eph 6.12) whether they know it or not. … but then, some people don’t like ice cream, so who knows.

    And now…. ::::drumroll::::: i present to you (unless i screwed the pic up again) what might be the world’s first ever- 2 water bottles in 1

    (i tried to make the pic smaller, but think i ended up making it black/white.. ‘doh’! )

    mr. fishy was pretty impressed by the accomplishment.
    here goes

  18. Dude Stacker says:

    So Xty- you watched the racing sausages, hunh? Those savory running phallic symbols are an integral part of the Miller Park experience where you have a perfect American meld of beer, sausage, and baseball. I am an unashamed sports fan of the three B’s- Badgers, Brewers, and- sorry guys- Bears. That makes it easy for my three kids to gift me- just make it a “B” thing.

    I used to be so proud of this picture I took until the dumb ass got caught for doping. Oh well, it’s still a decent photograph.

  19. DN says:

    Hey Dude, i don’t know much about photography.. (obviously), but that baseball pic looks like quite a good one to me.
    I like the way his bat parallels the chalk line, that i first thought was the 3rd base line. But it’s not, what is it? A leftover from a football game?

    Also, could you please explain the things about the pic that makes it a good picture?? The more elementary the explanation the better, imo.

  20. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    nice Discus. you must have soft water.

    i have a 72 gallon bow front. i have wanted to take it down for years, but my fish are living forever. there are a total of 6 fish left in there.

  21. DN says:

    DP, yes, our water is pretty good i think.
    I have almost nothing to do with our 3 fish tanks. My lovely assistant (wife) bought/installed/stocked/cleans/maintains the whole operation. She is a fish nut.

    I can add water or throw some food in if she’s not here, but that’s about it. And whenever there is a death, I hold private burial services in the kudzu patch out back so she doesn’t have to go through the trauma/drama of it all.

    And my water bottle feat/picture evidence sucks, (i thought the tank would backlight it better) but the 2 bottles are in there, let me know if i need to provide better evidence.

    your 2 big fish look like silver sharks, pretty cool!

  22. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    the sun is out. we have not had even a glimpse of the sun since last Saturday. it has been like living on Venus here, but without the sultry heat.

    it sounds like you have accepted your kudzu invasion to the point of pretending that you keep some of it as intentional landscaping. perhaps you have been able to contain it somewhat. serenity.

    those fish are called Bala sharks, but they are not true sharks. in fact this particular fish species is extremely docile, to the point of being wimpy. they don’t pick on any of my other fish at all, though they dwarf the others in size.

    i am satisfied with the evidence provided. like you admitted, it is not that the photograph is compelling proof in itself, but that you would go to the trouble of providing a photo at all is enough to convince me of your feat. 😆

  23. xty says:

    That photo is great because it tells a story. That was the fourth thing a photograph needed in a course Mikey took this year, and it was the key. Composition, depth of field, and something else were the first three. I was struck by the obviousness of it when he came home and told me about it, and I realised I could throw out half my photos.

    I am an unapologetic sports fan too. Within reason sports supports itself – I get grumpy when governments build stadiums for 400 million dollars and sell them to beer companies that own baseball teams for $1, which is what happened here in Ontario with the f’ing Skydome. And ticket prices went up more than 400 percent when they built the thing in the first place. And there were no more bleachers.

    But when it comes to things like sausage races, count me in.

    And Go Habs Go!

  24. xty says:

    I am believing you on the water bottles, DN, btw, but question whether you have a bit too much time on your hands lately?

    And Good Morning.

  25. xty says:

    My eldest brother is a fish guy still. If I had servants and were incredibly rich I would have a salt water aquarium that was a wall in my lair. Like a Bond villainess, yes. But no cat, sorry DP, but we had them as kids and now they are just a sneeze factory. We leapt from lizards to dog, neatly avoiding rodents.

  26. Dude Stacker says:

    DN, thanks. That picture is also a wonderful memory for me of a day with my oldest daughter with no son in law or wife present- just the two of us- a rare day indeed.

    That one pitch was captured in a series of eight stop-action photos at 1/500th sec. each. I picked that one as best for showing a scene you wouldn’t see in real time- the balletlike pose of the batter, the pleasingly parallel line of bat and chalk line, and the moment before the catcher and umpire even had time to straighten up (note the umpire holding on to the catcher’s strap for stability). Also note the near perfect shaded background which lends great contrast to the three sunlighted figures and their dramatic shadows.

    The chalk line in question is just a demarcation between grass and dirt. I guess it’s hard to tell at first glance, but now you’ve given me an idea- I think I will try to bring out the green a bit more and see how that works out.

    Btw- that was a hit that resulted in an exciting triple.

  27. xty says:

    And as to how seemingly intelligent people can be so blind … look at man’s history … wedded to ideas, unable to adapt to change, tribal … and that’s on our good days!

    But I could not continue to argue, and I understand your eye for an eye feeling. The best revenge is a) living well, and b) served cold.

  28. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    and don’t forget c)

  29. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    aka – you reap what you sow.

    all fundamentalist religions are cults. now go read your book.

    DPH posted an excellent summary of cult behaviors at Dan’s this morning.

  30. xty says:

    Actually, I have been listening to my audio bible again, and must say that Mr. Old Testament God sure is demanding. Just went through a passage involving not having defective humans bring the offerings too close to the temple, and not to bring anything but the best beasts. It is just okay if their legs are different lengths, but no eczema or scabs. The beasts legs I mean, it didn’t mention if humans with disparate limb length were acceptable bearers of burnt offerings, aka, roast first born. Lamb that is. And the temple they already built to specs was outrageous.

  31. EO says:

    Well, mark it on the wall. First lawn mowing, May 3rd. Gotta be a new all time record by a good week or more. Now, back to lawn slavery for the next 5 months.

  32. EO says:

    My Derby pick is Wicked Strong to Show.

    Great finish in the Wood Memorial.

    The odds on California Chrome, the favorite, are too low to make any money.

  33. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    keep going Xty. things moderate nicely once Jesus comes along.

    but i mean no disrespect to anyone’s beliefs. “moderation” is the key. when you begin judging others beliefs, or try to influence gov’t, or project a black and white world view, you are crossing the line. my statement above about fundamentalist religions actually is a tautology. OK, off of my soapbox. too nice of a day to flog a dead horse.

    speaking of horses, i won’t bet on any this year because none of the names really spoke to me. but maybe that is for the best. should a race horse ever make it to the Kentucky Derby named Peckerwood, i’d probably double down one last time, and likely lose the last few dollars of my retirement.

  34. Dude Stacker says:

    Betting $10 total, $2 ea on 8, 10 and 12 to show and trifecta bets of 1-8-10, and 1-10-8.

  35. EO says:

    4th. Crap.

    As we say around here, “Two imaginary bucks…down the drain!”

  36. DN says:

    EO- Me Too!! I mowed about 1/2 of the front for the first time today. It was almost waist high in places. Took me forever, choking on the pollen.. having to go back and forth with the push mower because it was so tall. (now i’m motivated to fix the flat tire on the riding mower) … maybe tomorrow?

    Xty- some stop and smell the roses, others stop and cram water bottles into. . . No, on second thought…., you’re probably right. 🙂

    and Dude, I also liked how the catcher had closed his catcher’s mitt in time with what would have been his catching the ball… if the guy hadn’t hit it. At first i thought that was how he might have been holding it, waiting for the pitch, but that would be improper (he’s a pro) and by that time he would have surely opened it up.. idk, but i guess he had it open and then closed it in anticipation of the catch when you snapped the pic.

    Well good people, .. I’m not sure what it’s gonna be yet, but I’m about to do some serious EATING !! ciao

  37. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    man that blows EO. those odds makers are good. well, i’ll go out on a limb right now and pick the Braves to win the World Series. don’t forget. :mrgreen:

  38. EO says:

    Oh, Gee Whiz, that’s a relief!

    Wisconsin GOP rejects resolution on secession

    You are worried about being a national laughingstock? Too late, you dumb fucking assholes! You and your whole damn party.

  39. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    if we could just get all the wingnuts into one state, and then only pretend to let them secede, maybe we could move on as a nation and finally deal with some real problems.

    but for now EO, just try to take comfort watching the wingnuts destroy themselves, and the Republican party too. and if that’s not enough, for some comic relief, go read Stane’s latest.

    or just play some hokey music, sing along, and dance. :mrgreen:

  40. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    long distance dedication…


  41. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    m44, you once had a signature line that i really liked.

  42. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  43. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    DN – i tried to fix it and i think i made it worse. the only thing i like is the pea pod, and i’m pretty sure that was by accident.

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