I have undoubtedly written about this before, and probably equally inarticulately, because it is very much a thought in progress and almost more an emotion than a thought.
Can we somehow evolve without having to dwell endlessly on the mistakes and horrors of the past and even present? Can we learn, not from our mistakes, but from our successes?
I am tired, and I realise how lame that is as a reason, but it stands: I am tired of outrage and hearing about the worst people do to each other. There is so much good in the world and yet people always seem to want to know the gory details of something heinous. The past and the present become a sort of body count. And if you try to bring attention to the good, you get the old puppies and rainbows response as though only foolish people like puppies and rainbows … hmmnn.
I find myself increasingly interested in medicine and physics and cooking and chemistry (and puppies and rainbows) and in these fields one sees immense progress and understanding and beauty. And it really is a choice what one dwells upon, as there is only so much time and attention one gets. It isn’t a question of blind acceptance of the mainstream, it is that living down a rabbit hole is destructive for everyone and in no way appears to improve the world around.
Perhaps we can celebrate the beautiful rather than bemoaning the unpleasant, thereby giving it such undue attention. Putting on blinkers might actually mean being able to see the important things, avoiding the distractions flung by the fear-mongers.
Much love from the beautiful Bahamas.
Ahhhhh …..